Taiko Tari Online

Life is so full of surprises. You pick a path when you get up in the morning, much to your astonishments, some things can go extremely 180 degrees from what you plan it to be. I'd like to share with you the bizarre incidents or stories in my life.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday musing: on movies, John Mayer and Ellen DeGeneres

It's 2:47 pm and it's dark,
It's dark because the room has no light,
Outside the day is bright and shining,
Alas, I have to stay in this darkness until 5 pm.

The life of a mole in a mole hole
This is my life.

Again, I can't complain. I do love this job.
However, as we are progressing in the final group and after 1 hour there seems to be no more new findings, I decided to muse over some more exciting things.

Such as what?
Such as the package from Amazon that just arrived last night in the mail. Thanks to C-Genilimaa's recommendation, I decided to enhance my DVD library with a few movies, mostly related to food and period drama. I am looking forward to watch "Eat drink man woman" and "The Wedding Banquet", as well as "Tortilla Soup" soon after I finish watching "Thank you for smoking".

Started watching "Thank you for smoking" last night. I like it. I've gone as far as 50 minutes into the movie, but was caught short because I fell asleep like a log afterwards. There is one thing that I don't get about this movie, however. The DVD box is marketing it as a hillarious movie, a comedy and hyped to be a funny one. Having spent 50 minutes with that movie, I don't recall laughing hysterically even once. I chuckled in different places, yes, but not yet laughing. Maybe I'm not there yet, maybe the best one is yet to come. What I can say, though, this movie is pointing out some really absurd, yet valid, points. It got you into thinking.
Later tonight after I get home I will watch the remaining of the movie and then I'll get back to Montchan's review at Chaos.

Also, I found out today that John Mayer writes in his blog regularly, too. He has a very interesting perspective on some unusual issues. Oh, and I like his music too.
Check out his "Ruminations on a treadmill" entry. Good stuff about Chris Rock and Elvis Costello.

Got me thinking of one of my favorite DVDs of all time. It is Ellen DeGeneres' stand-up show "Here and Now". Here she started talking about procrastinating and procrastination and the things that make her procrastinate and next thing you know she wraps everyone to join her in the procrastination process. Absolutely genius and HILLARIOUS. Gosh that woman is funny. I've listened to it like 3,000 times and I still laugh, and the beauty of is it does not matter where you start listening, because that is the point of procrastination.

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Blogger m said...

The movie is only funny when you see it in the context of the political situation at the time it was produced and released. When every place, pub, bar, street, beach, and what not in every state was banning smoking. The cigarette manufacturers were screaming bloody murder, that it would kill their business. Yet now, a few years later, the big tobacco is as big as ever, and nothing has changed. And even the militant anti-smoking activists are very quiet these days.

May 29, 2007 at 6:35 AM  
Blogger femmy said...

I love Ellen, too, though I can't remember when and where I've seen her in the past. Is it her TV show "Ellen"? Is it somewhere else? Anyway, StarWorld is airing her talk show in the coming month. I sure don't want to miss it!

May 29, 2007 at 11:33 AM  
Blogger Genilimaa said...

Same here, I like Ellen too. Didn't know there was a stand-up show in DVD though! Have to take a look at that.

May 30, 2007 at 4:00 AM  

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