Taiko Tari Online

Life is so full of surprises. You pick a path when you get up in the morning, much to your astonishments, some things can go extremely 180 degrees from what you plan it to be. I'd like to share with you the bizarre incidents or stories in my life.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Which is which?

So, today I was forwarded an article about a sheep scam in Japan. The article was a hit Australian newspapers, such as this and also in some UK newspapers such as here.

In a nutshell, the articles are saying about how nearly 2,000 Japanese people were swindled in a scam in which they were sold Australian and British sheep and told they were poodles.

A movie star stated that she was confused why her 'poodle' would not want to eat the pet food provided, and that her 'poodle' never barked.
Also in the article, it is said that the police reported that nearly 2,000 people have been affected in this scandal, which operated in Sapporo, because those people were apparently unable to distinguish a poodle from an authentic Australian sheep.

I do not know what to think when I read this article. I mean, surely they can't be that dumb not to be able to tell a cuddly pet from a cuddly meat factory.

Curious, I found another article claiming that it was a hoax, but the rationale was relatively weak.

Which is the truth, then?
I will keep my ears and eyes open for the local news.

Personally, I won't be too surprised if this actually happened. These people can believe everything they read or buy or whatever they were told.
I will not be surprised at all.

Taiko Tari reporting live from Tokyo. Have a good Golden Week, Everyone!

Image was excerpted from the Metro.co.uk April 26. 2007 article on the subject



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I won't be too surprised if this actually happened. These people can believe everything they read or buy or whatever they were told.
I will not be surprised at all.

Really? would they believe me if I write something to them to read, which state that I'm the most handsome guy in the world? hihihihih

April 27, 2007 at 8:37 PM  
Blogger Taiko Tari said...

My dear Goio, well, if you broadcast yourself like that they will first believe it, and then when they see your picture or meet you in person, they may change their mind you know...

April 28, 2007 at 10:27 AM  

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