Taiko Tari Online

Life is so full of surprises. You pick a path when you get up in the morning, much to your astonishments, some things can go extremely 180 degrees from what you plan it to be. I'd like to share with you the bizarre incidents or stories in my life.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Free Sweet Potato!!

Well, today I came home early to see doctor Bones (btw, his name is doctor Nakatani) for a final check-up. He said that everything is progressing as it should and he no longer expects to see me anymore, unless I decided to do something interesting again to other bones. He really said that. You really have a funny sense of humor, doctor Bones, I like you. yeah. I just don't like you that much to want to pay you a visit anytime soon.

Getting home, I decided to pay a visit to the little grocery shop down the road and spotted Mr.Tofuman with his tofu-scooter and decided to stop by to get two blocks of momen tofu for my week load. Now you'd think that one can't last a week with just getting two tofu. Well, the thing is, for the many years I've been getting my tofu at Mr. Tofuman, he always, always, always gave me extras. Sometime 1 extra, sometime 2. Today I paid for 2 and I came home with 4.5 blocks of tofu.

Moving along, I went to Mr.Hooper's Store (well, not exactly Mr. Hooper, but similar, three middle-aged guys opened this tiny little grocery shop). I needed to get some beansprout, persimmon, oranges, radish, and a bunch others.
Mr. Hooper 1, 2 and 3 are always very interested in my personal life. Everytime I go, they always ask if I was cooking dinner for a date. Another time, when I was only one-handed, they would always chop my veggies while condemning the fact that I live alone and only one-handed. Another time, they would question me over and over and over (during the 10 minutes I was at their store) why could I possibly be unmarried? Why? Why? And they never stop! haha.
In anycase, I just laugh along everytime this happened. I figured that I'm just some sort of entertainment for them. That's OK. They keep me supplied, I gave them a few laughs. Just like Mr. Tofuman, they always, always, always give me something free. Today I bought lemon, they gave me free lime.
Yesterday I bought bok choy and spinach, they gave me free morning glory.
Now that the day is cooler, in Winter time, they give away free baked sweet potato to anyone who goes shopping at their store. Even in one day you go more than once, each time you are guaranteed to get a sweet potato.
As for me, sometime I'm too lazy to cook, but I want the sweet potato. So I went and chatted and we exchange some vegetable knowledge, and then they give me a sweet potato. Even when I did not buy anything. Everytime. *grin*

I love my neighborhood.

ps: I make muffins for them sometime (just in case anyone think I am taking advantage of Mr. Tofuman and The Hoopers trio...)

The Hoopers Trio


Blogger Genilimaa said...

Gosh, what a great neighbourhood! And they seem to love you too - but then who wouldn't?!
The closest thing I got to connecting at the store was when the check-out girl said "Your husband already bought Philadelphia cheese, he was in earlier". And I, almost stunned for being recognised, mumbled, "yeah I know, we needed some more...".
How did she know we were a couple? I can't remember us ever going in there together?!

December 8, 2006 at 6:27 AM  
Blogger Sister Mary Lisa said...

It's probably the muffins and your great looks that cause them to always verify you are still single. I wonder when one will ask you out...

December 8, 2006 at 11:39 AM  
Blogger Taiko Tari said...

Hello lovely Ladies!!!
Yes, I really love my neighborhood. They are one of the reasons why I loved it, not to forget the fact that I'm within easy reach to 4 parks around it. Quite unusual for a city as spread out as Tokyo.

And, no, SML, none of them has ever asked me out, predominantly because while they are always asking about my personal life, the little curious person that I am, I've made them laid their cards down about their marital status. So, we're even. haha.

December 9, 2006 at 3:55 PM  

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