Taiko Tari Online

Life is so full of surprises. You pick a path when you get up in the morning, much to your astonishments, some things can go extremely 180 degrees from what you plan it to be. I'd like to share with you the bizarre incidents or stories in my life.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Brilliant Week!

So much to blog about, so little time to do it!!!!

Big events of the week:

1. My big research is finished at last. 8 groups, 56 people, 20 hours of listening. A lot to digest, report is due COB Wednesday Nov 29. I am merely at the beginning, the analysis is far from advancing or evolving.
Please don't take it personally, but I am shutting down everything around me. It is now between me, the notes and the computer. Anyone who wishes to speak to me urgently may call, and if you're lucky, I might actually notice the phone is vibrating - in which event I will pick up and answer. I will be available again on Thursday.

2. The cast if off. Whoa, what a difference it is to be able to use the other hand again.

3. I had a haircut. My stylist gave me a bang/fringe without my permission. To be exact, he cut it and THEN he told me, "oh btw, you now have a bang". Now, Mr. Stylist, if you had made the cut then what difference would it make if I didn't like it? Do you have some magic potion that could grow my hair quickly?? Do ya'?! Do ya'?!
I probably won't be 'bitter' about this bang if he had asked me nicely and talked me into it, instead of making my decision for me. After all these years, you would think that he understands that a woman has some complicated emotional thing going on with her hair and that should never be meddled!!

Anyway, I have come to terms with it and I don't think it looks bad. However, as a woman of practicality, I still find it disturbing my eyesight.
Because of popular demands, I am posting the new hairdo. You are welcome to trash it if you like.

4. Went for a hike (FINALLY!!!!) to Mt. Takao, with ODiv... along with 2 million other people.
Stunning, stunning, stunning autumn leaves ('thanks' to global warming the golden and red colors are at their peak). Brilliant colors. A very easy 1 hour hike to the shrine - which is about another 45 minutes hike to the mountain top, and then after being really annoyed for having to be in line together with the other 2 million people towards the top, we turned around and hiked back to the station. Smart decision.

5. Taiko drumming is the best remedy for all my miseries. Went for practice this morning. I think I gained almost 80% of my motor skill back. It's pretty odd that half of my body (particularly my right hand and arm) tires really quickly when the left is still very perky.
Gave a taiko drumming performance at a colleague's wedding party this evening. Did 4 songs and sensei taught me how to do the lion dance so Taiko Tari the lion heroine could give blessings to the betrothed.

6. After the performance, the wedding party had a game thing going on. Coming back from loading the big drums back to Sensei's car, I changed to my party gear really quickly and found myself in the middle of some game. We had to answer to some quiz about the couple. I joined in and blindly guessed all the answers. What do you know, I literally guessed everything correctly and scored first place. They gave me a present. The person in 3rd got a set of shampoo and conditioner, the person in 2nd got some gift voucher, and I got the surprise present which is a NINTENDO DS Lite, crystal white version. YEAH!

7. To finish it off, got a quick mail from Deenster asking if I liked U2. So quite naturally I said, "Hell yeah!" So she sweetly invited me to go see Bono and the gang on their gig in Tokyo early in December.

This is my good week. :)

Now I am going sip my hot cocoa and prepare to call Zurich for a chat and then call it a night.

Ta ta!!

ps: Happy birthday to my dear brother Goio. Best wishes with love from Japan!!


Blogger Sister Mary Lisa said...

Your hair looks STUNNING! You look fabulous. It sounds like your hairdresser needs to learn how to ask first, but this time I think he did great.

I'm so happy for you getting the Nintendo prize. That's a fun night!

And tix to U2? you are one lucky woman.

:) Good luck with your project.

November 27, 2006 at 3:34 AM  
Blogger Genilimaa said...

Some week! Some photos! Some haircut!!
And you're performing too! No end to your talents?

November 28, 2006 at 7:31 AM  
Blogger Beni Suryadi said...


mbak..disana seneng seneng mulu yak
jadi pengen =)

November 28, 2006 at 10:03 AM  
Blogger Bishop Rick said...

WOW, what a gorgeous haircut. You look as good as I imagine SML to look.

November 28, 2006 at 3:28 PM  
Blogger Sister Mary Lisa said...

BR, now I'm afraid to let you see what I look like. Maybe I'm only gorgeous on the inside, and the outside leaves something to be desired?

Anyway, I imagine what you look like too. I can't help wondering if you wear a suit all the time like a bishop should.

Tari, hope your week is going well still!

November 28, 2006 at 3:38 PM  
Blogger Bishop Rick said...

Jeans and a sweatshirt whenever I can get away with it...which is most of the time.

November 29, 2006 at 1:19 PM  
Blogger Sister Mary Lisa said...

I like wearing jeans best too. When you sit in an office alone all day, anything more is overkill. Unless there's a special occasion.

Tari, you look (in your photo here) like you are maybe dressed up for a special occasion. ??

November 29, 2006 at 1:53 PM  
Blogger Taiko Tari said...

Thank you, everyone, for the very sweet comments. I'm flattered. Almost at the end of my reporting, 10% to go. And then I can blog again. :)

Actually yes, the photo was taken before I took off for the wedding party (where I performed taiko drumming as a gift from my company to the betrothed, and latter on won that Nintendo thing).

In most days, I'm very GAP, Uniqlo or Zara based - or any sports outfit. haha.

November 29, 2006 at 2:19 PM  

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