Taiko Tari Online

Life is so full of surprises. You pick a path when you get up in the morning, much to your astonishments, some things can go extremely 180 degrees from what you plan it to be. I'd like to share with you the bizarre incidents or stories in my life.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Generation X or MTV Generation?

So, I was working on a proposal for a client the other day, when I stumbled across “Baby Boomers” segmentation, being a part of the screening criteria.
I have heard this term many times and of course I understand generally what that means, but it always piqued my interest what the names are for other generations.

This is what I learned.

Wikipedia, my favorite first-stop on my search routine, categorize all generations by birth year and elaborate in greater details. Click here and find the information.

Now, according to the chart, in this lifetime there are at least 17 generations that are still living, from Interbellum Generation (born 1900-1910) to New Silent Generation (born 2000 - 2020).

Where am I?

Born in 1976, that means I am either Generation X (born 1963-1978) or MTV Generation (born 1974-1985).

How do they differ?

Generation X

The article highlighted that “…one of the defining factors of Generation X is the transitions resulting from the decline of colonial imperialism to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War. The transition between colonialism and globalization is thought to separate the Baby Boomers from the Baby Busters, a sub-generation of Generation X made up of the earliest born members.”
It is also said that Generation X is someone who is twenty-something sometime during the 1990s.

Common denominators

- Nihilism
- Cynicism
- Postmodern attitude to life
- "So what," "who cares," and "what is your point?" attitudes ("whatever!")
- Distrust of political, religious, and societal institutions
- Atypical jobs and checquered careers
- Lack of marital commitment and disintegration of traditional families
- Distrust of science, religion, technology, or ideologies as narratives
- "Take the money and run" attitude toward work
- Childlessness
- Pessimism about the future
- Carpe diem attitude about living
- Almost complete disregard for religion
- Networking and globalization
- Liberalism and libertarism in the guise of a "who cares" attitude
- Slacking
- Flexibility and disregard for traditional values

OK, now how about the other one? Let’s see, shall we?

MTV Generation

The name is much cooler, I have to admit.
In this Wikipedia article, it is said that “…MTV Generation is a term used in order to define those who partake in both Generation X and Y - being that today's media targets the youth of tomorrow. The worldwide acknowledgment of an MTV Generation has been proven through the success of MTV and its by-products on a global scale as well as its influence upon youth culture and society throughout the 1990s. The term defines a generation of teenagers and young adults or Twixters influenced by fashion trends, music, and slang terms shown in music videos on the newly created cable channel MTV. MTV Generation has often been associated as a neologism for Generation X.”

Global Factors Defining the MTV Generation

Most notable factors relevant to the MTV Generation is the overall nihilistic attitude of the teenagers growing up through the 1990s having been brought up in the 1980s and recently becoming adults of the 3rd millennium, as well as
- The launch of MTV
- The fall of Berlin Wall
- The first Gulf War
- The Waco Siege
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- And so forth...

So… I was set out on this research to figure out which generation I belong to the best, only then to realize that I am both. I don’t relate to all of the denominators in Generation X nor MTV Generation, but I feel belong to both equally strongly.

My point is… (and I do have one), it is fascinating to understand that there are many boxes that you can claim your own. In Market Research perspective, the more segmentation box you can fit in, the more chances you can get invited to a market research discussion.

It’s fun. Which generation are you?



Blogger jean said...

Interesting. I'm GenX (born in 1968) but I don't think the description fits me or most of my peers.

January 19, 2007 at 10:50 PM  
Blogger Genilimaa said...

I'm a 1968 too and the GenX description fits me perfectly! Born to slack I thought, but maybe it's induced by social factors then. :)

January 20, 2007 at 5:20 AM  
Blogger Mamad Purbo said...

Wow, only 0.25% of that GenX definition doesn't fit me. So I'm about 99.75% GenX, I suppose.

January 21, 2007 at 6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Campuran antara Gen-X dan Gen-MTV, secara si kampret ini emang sontoloyo abis - macam acara2 di MTV itu..

Tapi setelah banyak melangkang buana, kayaknya masuk generasi Insyaf deh.. :) - gak mau sontoloyo terus.. :)

Kumaha, neng geulis ? Damang?
Hugs and kisses from West Africa, indeed!

PS: My old blogsite, I decided to be active again, feel free to pass by..

January 22, 2007 at 2:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was born in 1982, so i guess i'm part gen-MTV and gen-Y

April 19, 2007 at 12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I belong in either generations. Then again, the Wikipedia article states that it is about *US* Generations, so perhaps a lot of the definitions don't apply to me/us. Or, perhaps I am just that unique a person that defies categorization! Hehehe...

April 25, 2007 at 2:04 PM  
Blogger femmy said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

April 25, 2007 at 2:08 PM  
Anonymous Julia said...

I was born in 1979 and I differ both from the gen-Xers and the Millennials. I really feel I belong to the MTV generation, something separate (1975-1985, roughly).

March 19, 2010 at 6:52 PM  

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