Taiko Tari Online

Life is so full of surprises. You pick a path when you get up in the morning, much to your astonishments, some things can go extremely 180 degrees from what you plan it to be. I'd like to share with you the bizarre incidents or stories in my life.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Good things happen to those who are patient

In many unusual ways, my life seems to be falling into places this month. So many things happened in so little time.

It seems like a lot of things that I have been waiting for (some for years, some for weeks, some for days, some for eternity, some for hours) are fruiting themselves.

Professionally and personally.

In this reflective Ramadan, I am grateful for the many chance that I have to, well, ponder about things.

And witnessing that all the hardships are finally paying off gave me the euphoric feeling of contentment.


As well as that one phone call I made to the Turkish mosque yesterday, and I discovered that they started Ramadan on September 13 and will have the festive Eid Al-Fitr on October 12. My anxiety (for missing out the morning Eid prayer because I will have to work on October 13-14 weekend) had been banished with that one phone call. All is confirmed, this year I'm doing Ramadan and the Eid the Turkish way.

Hello, Fellow Celebrants, please come to my hut for the festive Eid celebration on October 12! Anyone is welcome, from 3 pm onwards.

And for this, my boss has already approved the day off, too!

As Simon and Garfunkel said it

I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me.
Life, I love you,
All is groovy!

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Blogger m said...

That is so awesome! :)

I am doing my one day starvation today! So far so good... And if I fail I'll try again on Sunday.

And I'm having a festive October 12th too! In Stockholm, rocking out to Crowded House!!!

September 27, 2007 at 7:07 PM  
Blogger hijau said...

Mau banget, masakan kamu Tar. Terakhir nyicipin dulu pas buka bareng kelas 3 di rumahnya Shanti!!

September 28, 2007 at 9:45 AM  
Blogger Taiko Tari said...

Montchan - thanks for the participatory starvation day. Curious to see how it went. And I'm telling ya' October 12th is a good day!!! Everybody celebrates the special day!!!

hjau - Dod, ya ampun masa selama itu sih. Tapi dipikir2 kita ketemuan laginya juga bertahun2 setelah lulus SMA, hehe. Kalo maen ke Jepang pasti gua masakin deh, insya Allah!

September 28, 2007 at 3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh mbak tari mbak tari.. mesjid Turkinya yang dimana sih? yang di yoyogi itu bukan?

betewe.. kita ada kencan baru gak pas lebaran? hihi.. *pingin diundang makan2 begituh.. ihihihi.. ^_^v

September 29, 2007 at 9:41 PM  
Blogger Taiko Tari said...

qnoi - yes yes, itu mesjidnya yang di Yoyogi Uehara. Minggu depan tarawih bareng ke situ yuk, mau?
Pas lebaran tentunya open house seperti biasa. hehe. ditunggu kehadiran anda di rumah saya. hari Kamis nginep di rumah aja, yuk? Kita bikin lontong sama2. Takbiran aku pingin ke SRIT sih (kalo SRITnya lebaran hari Jumat, berarti Kamis ada takbiran ya? Kalo nggak ya, kita takbiran berdua aja atuh sambil jalan2 ke mesjid Turki yang ketje sekali itu)

September 30, 2007 at 8:54 AM  

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